NMMS 2005 Foray - Field Trip Descriptions

Foray 1 - Ski Apache
Trip will begin at Ski Apache parking area (9800 ft). Follow streambed and/or trail uphill. Fir/spruce & aspen. On return trip, stop at Oak Grove (if parking is permitted) 8300 ft. Site 3 is Eagle Creek road (7700-7900 ft). If time permits, may also visit Monjeau Peak (see Foray 2).

  • 101 Turnoff of NM 37 toward Ski Ski Apache (NM 532)
    Ski Apache
  • 109 Ski Apache PL/TH (Site 1)
    Oak Grove
  • 107 Turnoff Oak Grove CG (ask Host for permission to park)
  • 108 Oak Grove Parking Lot (Site 2)
    Eagle Creek (7780 ft - good parking - road ends at gate)
  • 105 Eagle Creek Turnoff (FR 127a)
  • 106 Eagle Creek Trailhead

    Foray 2 - Monjeau Peak
    Turn off of Ski Apache Road approx 1 mile from NM 37. Drive through Villa Madonna - Best collecting spot looks like Crest Trailhead - other possible sites along road above Villa Madonna - Old stone Fire Tower at end of road is a must-see. If time permits, may also visit Eagle Creek (see Foray 1).

  • 101 Turnoff of NM 37 toward Ski Ski Apache (NM 532)
  • 102 Turnoff to Monjeau Peak FR 117
  • 103 Crest Trailhead (Site 1)
  • 104 Monjeau Peak (Fire Tower)

    Foray 3 - Tanbark/Nogal Canyons
    Tanbark Canyon runs north-south and is rich with Oak & Ponderosa Pine. The road goes through patches of private land, but plenty of Nat'l Forest areas are accessible. Road peaks and then drops into Nogal Canyon, which runs basically east-west. Varying habitat with Oak, Locust, Pp, Aspen, Piņon.

  • 200 NM 37 intersects SR 48 (turn west)
  • 201 Bonito Canyon Road Turnoff (intersection of NM 37 & FR 107 - continue west)
  • 202 Tanbark Canyon Turnoff - head north on FR 108
  • 203 Foray Site 1 - just north of NF/private land boundary (sign)
  • 204 Crest Trailhead - Foray Site 2 -parking area on saddle just across cattle guard - road becomes FR 400 into Nogal Canyon
  • 205 Nogal Trailhead - Foray Site 3 - Caution! Stinging Nettles
  • 206 Indian Creek - Foray Site 4
  • 207 Foray Site 5 - Transition zone (aspen, piņon, Pp)
  • 208 Nogal Canyon - last Foray Site

    Foray 4 Piņon/Juniper - Ask David or Terri for details

  • 301 FR 443 (west) Turns off US 70
  • 302 FR 443 (east) Turns off US 70
  • 303 FR 443 (east) intersects frontage road

    Foray 5 - Nature Trail
    There is a nature trail just behind the Best Western--probably less than a mile in length. Habitat is Piņon/Juniper.

    dmw . 2005-08-10

    ~c5h - 640