NMMS Handbook
• Membership Categories & Dues

Paid Memberships are divided into the following categories:
• A Regular Member is an individual who is entitled to all the privileges of NMMS.
• A Family/Household Membership consists of a regular membership plus membership for one additional adult and any children under eighteen years of age who participate in activities of NMMS.

The Board of Directors may grant the following memberships, which confer all the privileges of NMMS, but entail none of the obligations.
• An Honorary Member is one to whom, for special reason, the Board grants a temporary (1-2 years) membership.
• A Life Member is one to whom, in recognition of exceptional service to NMMS, the Board grants permanent membership.

• Regular membership is $20/year
• Household/Family membership is $30/year   (as of 1 January 2o18)
• Prior to 2018, NMMS' Membership year corresponded to the calendar year (Jan 1-Jan 1). In 2018, the Board voted to change the Membership year to July 1 - June 30 of the following year. This was in part to allow members to combine annual dues and Foray payments.

• Honorary members pay no dues for the period specified by the Board.
• Life members pay no dues.
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