Photo Set for

I Grow Mushrooms

By Lawrence Weingarten

Photo 1
Straw for "substrate"
Photo 2
Shredding the straw
Photo 3
Cooking the straw

Photo 4
Hoisting straw
Photo 5
Jars of "spawn"
Photo 6
Spreading the spawn

Photo 7
Packing a "log"
Photo 8
Lifting log
Photo 9
Tying up log

Photo 10
Logs hanging in Grow Room
Photo 11
Punching holes in logs
Photo 12
Mycelium starting to form

Photo 13
Mycelium formed
Photo 14
Day 1 - Primordia
Photo 15
Day 2 - Keep raining

Photo 16
Day 3 - Baby mushrooms
Photo 17
Day 4 - Those terrible teens!
Photo 18
Day 5 - Ready to Pick

Photographs courtesy of
New Mexico Mushroom Garden
Photo 19 - A Tasty Harvest

Copyright © 1998-2o22 by Lawrence Weingarten
Accompanying Text  :  i-grow-2.htm
Article with Embedded Images  :  index.htm
14apr98 - updated 2o22-o2-o4